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Crossword Clues & Word Solvers

Ideas for Solving The Crossword Clue: Close

Trying to solve a crossword puzzle where the clue is “Close”? Here are some potential crossword answers to think about…

Word Length Explanation
Shut 4 A synonym for close
Near 4 Close in distance or proximity
Seal 4 To close or secure tightly
Tight 5 Closely packed or fitting securely
Clasp 5 A fastening device used to close something
Latch 5 A device used to keep a door, gate, or window fastened
Block 5 To close off or obstruct
Padlock 7 A portable lock with a hinged or sliding shackle
Secure 6 To close or fasten securely
Couplet 7 A pair of lines of verse that are close in rhyme
Cork 4 To close a bottle with a stopper
Shroud 6 To cover or enclose
Latchkey 8 A key for opening an outside door or gate
Bolt 4 To fasten the door or window with a bar or bolt
Slam 4 To shut forcefully or with great noise
Tie 3 To fasten or secure together
Proximity 9 Being close or near in space or time
Merge 5 To combine or integrate closely
Conclude 8 To bring to an end or close
Finish 6 To bring to completion or an end
Cinch 5 An extremely easy task or something very likely to happen
Fold 4 To close or bend something inwards or downwards
End 3 The closing part or final stage
Lid 3 The cover to close a container or object
Bound 5 To move quickly or spring back
Converge 8 To come together or meet at a point
Complete 8 To finish or bring to an end
Obstruct 8 To block or close a passage
Curtain 7 A piece of fabric closing off a stage
Fasten 6 To close or attach securely
Enclose 7 To close in or surround

More on Solving Crosswords

Cracking the code of a intriguing crossword puzzle, whether it’s the LA Times crossword or any other popular puzzle, demands a organized and innovative approach. Each crossword clue holds a secret to the correct answer, and by attentively scrutinizing the clues and utilizing the provided words, you can become a crossword-solving whiz.

Begin by thoroughly analyzing the crossword clue and try to decipher its underlying meaning. Look out for alternative terms, words with similar sounds, or any language tricks that might be at play. Keep in mind the number of letters required for the answer, and if it’s a topic-related puzzle, try to identify the main theme, as it could offer valuable insights into potential solutions.

Crossword puzzles come in various hardness levels, so don’t get discouraged if you encounter a demanding clue. Instead, start with clues that seem more simple and gradually work your way up to the trickier ones. Filling in the answers to the easier clues can provide useful letters that may unlock the solutions to the more difficult ones.

Let’s take an illustration: the clue “Leader of the pharaohs.” The word “leader” hints at a king or emperor, and “the pyramids” narrows it down to “the royal figure,” which would be the precise answer.

If a particular clue leaves you puzzled, take a break and return to it later. Sometimes, giving your brain a rest can lead to a sudden inspiration when you see the clue from a different perspective.

A well-supplied vocabulary is a great advantage for crossword enthusiasts. Use resources like word references or word lists to expand your vocabulary and get acquainted yourself with unusual or archaic words that might surface in puzzles.

In conclusion, solving crossword puzzles is a enjoyable exercise for enthusiastic solvers. With sharp perception, innovative approaches, and perseverance, you can master even the most intricate crosswords. By integrating the provided words and following these approaches, you’ll become a more adept solver, unraveling the joys of completing crossword puzzles and relishing the satisfaction of finding the right solutions. Happy puzzling!

For More Crossword Help….

We hoped this helped you figure out the crossword clue “Close”.

For more crossword help, check out our crossword solver page. We’ve analyzed a lot of crossword clues – if these ideas don’t fit the correct answer, you may be able to find related clues that will lead you to the right answer. All of the related post(s) with possible answer(s) and tips are available to players through our website search feature.

Ideas for Solving The Crossword Clue: Close
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