Hanging Hyena

Crossword Clues & Word Solvers

Ideas for Solving The Crossword Clue: Discharges

Trying to figure out a crossword where the clue is “Discharges”? Here are some potential crossword answers to think about… Words Length Good Suggestion Explanation EMITS 5 The word “emits” means to release or discharge something. EJECTS 6 “Ejects” is a synonym for discharges and refers to forcefully expelling something. EXPELS 6 “Expels” means to […]

Ideas for Solving The Crossword Clue: Archaeologists Find

Trying to solve a crossword where the clue is “Archaeologists Find”? Here are some potential crossword answers to think about… Word Length Explanation Bones 5 Archaeologists often find skeletal remains, which provide important historical and anthropological information. Pottery 7 Fragments or whole pieces of pottery are commonly discovered during archaeological excavations, offering insights into ancient […]

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