Do you enjoy a reasonably witty pick up line? Do you enjoy pokemon? Then look no further, because we've compiled a list of 20 Pokemon pick up lines for your daily needs. With this list, you can now share your love of Pokemon in a funny, light-hearted and maybe corny, way! So keep reading if you want to effortlessly Blast off into your next best friend's life.
1. Are you a Meowth? Because I'm feline a connection.
2. Would it be too Farfetch'd to think you'll give me your number tonight?
3. Hey, I'm a new trainer and I'm here to catch all your feelings.
4. Will you be the Plusle to my Minun?
5. I'm a coordinator, May I Skitty into your heart?
6. Are you a Rapidash? Because you're rapidly dashing into my heart.
7. What did you say your trainer name was? Mine?
8. You must be a Sneasel, because you snuck into my heart.
9. Will you be the Solrock to my Starmie.
10. I'll be your fairy, if you'll be my moonstone.
11. I'll be the Psyduck to your Misty. Always confused but dedicated to you.
12. Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You're such a Cutiefly,
I think I'm falling for you.
13. Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! Now you've got my heart in your hands!
14. Like a Goldeen, you make everything more beautiful just by existing.
15. I must be a Charmander, because I'm charmed by your fire.
16. I wish I were a Ninetails, so I could spend eight more lives with you.
17. Ash wants to catch them all, but I just want to catch you.
18. There's a million Nurse Joys, but only one of you.
19. Hey, did you hit me with attract? Because I'm attracted to you.
20. Is Team Rocket around or was it you who stole my heart?
Love is great. It's what drives our favorite trainers and Pokemon to be the best they can be and what brought us together as viewers, readers as well as players. What better way to express that than through cheesy pick up lines. So, while there are as many lines as there are Pokemon, hopefully we gave you enough to Meditate on like a Medichamp! Want to capture the love of your life in a pokeball like pikachu or squirtle? Use these funny pokemon joke pickup lines to score a date with that legendary pokemon person in your life! Go pokemon hunting for a cute girl, and paralyze heal her heart like jigglypuff with these great cute pokemon trainer pickup lines! Any girl or woman pokemon trainer fan would love these funny pokemon joke pick up lines, and you would win any pokemon contest when you go into battle with these lines instead of a poke ball. You'd be a good catch for any woman or guy who you have a crush on, and they'd love to be your girl friend, as you'd be an even more cute pokemon than bulbasaur or pikachu! Fill your poke ball bag with an arsenal of funny pokemon jokes, and crush the competition on tinder, online, or in real life. You're no pokemon baby or newbie, you'd win the pokemon contest of the heart of any person, girl or guy friend you have, and these lines work better than any cute pic or burn heal ever could. Team Rocket could not beat your pokeball moves with these legendary pokemon pickup lines, more powerful than charizard's tail or any string shot or paralyze heal you could use. Instead of pokemon hunting go date hunting, and you don't even need to have a cute pokemon cosplay to win this pokemon game of love. Conquer this episode and explore the cinnabar island of romance with these cute pokemon pic up lines, and win the pokemon game of scoring a date by the time you finish pokemon hunting.
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