Some people love the mid-2010s game Destiny, and some people think it's garbage and play it anyways. Whatever you think about it, liven up your Fireteam chats with these hilarious Destiny jokes!
Why don't warlocks have a lot of exotic boots?
Millions of guardians in the destiny universe...
What do you call a sniper without a scope?
Why do titans hate hunters?
Why did the dreg eat food off the floor?
What is the best way to deal with the "small arms" modifier?
What sound does your phone make whenever you get a call and it says "unknown number"?
A Hunter, Titan, and Warlock are on a ship. Nolandroid suddenly decides that he needs to free up space on the ship. "We don't need this anymore," says the warlock. He throws away a couple of scout rifles. "We don't need that anymore," says the titan. He throws away some Plasteel plating.
We can spawn sparrows to explore planets.
Hey man, you see that guy over there?
He protec. He attac.
Which movie does the Cabal hate watching the most?
Do you know why The Traveler is really good at handling really bad situations?
Why does Bungie's restaurant keep failing?
Why did the Guardians cross the road?
Player 1: Did you hear they are going to add gambling to Destiny?
Player 2: Sweet! When are they adding it? I'll finally be able to use my glimmer for something.
Player 3: Its already in the game. We call it the Cryptarch.
Player 2: Okay cool. But what can you win?
Why can't Xur get a girlfriend?
What will come first:
I had a swiss army knife one time...
Looking for some great video game Destiny jokes? The best popular memes and destiny jokes are all right here for any gamer or fan of the video game, and each meme joke is sure to make any person who has played the game feel like they just found a legendary engram. Developer Bungie's Destiny has spawned some of the most popular memes and gamer jokes out there, and these are perfect for any Guardian- Titan, Warlock, and Hunter alike, to fulfill the quest of laughter and levity. Whether you think the original Destiny is trash or a great game, the humour and joke material will make you feel like you got great weapon loot, even if you think the pun is cheesy. The greatest boots or armor or weapon in original Destiny could not disarm your enemies like the humour in these jokes, and you'll become a god at making jokes out of developer Bungie's Destiny, an instant icon capable of fighting the darkness and pleasing Lord Shaxx and the Iron Lords themselves. Your ghost character and all of the Destiny 2 players will fall laughing at your greatest boots from the loot of your good Destiny jokes, and the darkness will retreat at the sound of your word. Even those Destiny 2 players who think they own esports will think you're funnier than a legendary engram, and run laughing like a spider is chasing them when you say the word of your good Destiny jokes. Your quest for fun and levity is at an end, and each pun and joke you say will make your ghost character proud, Guardian. Even if you think the game is trash, you will be the funniest person in the tower, and rule twitter and twitch with your jokes.
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