Need Letters First!
Rot13 encoding is the most basic substitution cipher in existence; all of the text in a message is shifted 13 positions in the alphabet (A→N, etc.). The same mechanism can be used to encode and decode text, since shifting the letters in a piece of text 13 spaces twice will bring you back to where you started. This simplicity makes Rot13 an ideal way to obfuscate text from casual readers and web-scraping robots.
To use this tool, simply enter the text you wish to encode or decode in the input box above. The result will be displayed in the output section as you type. You can also copy the result to your clipboard or clear the input and output fields using the buttons provided.
The next level up from Rot13 in terms of complexity would be a Caesar cipher, which expands the possible keyspace to 26 values (different alphabet shifts). For more robust encryption, see our Caesar Cipher Decoder.
If you are stuck with a word scramble, check out our word scramble solver. We also offer tools for solving Hangman, building words, and much more.