This word generator is intended to help you unscramble letters to make words. This is part of our larger collection of puzzle solver tools. This word unscrambler can help you make words from letters - a word scramble cheat. The mechanics of using the word generator are fairly simple. Enter your letters in the box and hit the big friendly button. The word generator will help you make words from letters. This can be used to get a little help at scrabble, give yourself some help with the newspaper puzzle, or even serve as a jumble cheat. Apparently a number of people use our site as a jumble word generator, to help with their Sunday puzzles.
We have other tools, particularly if you are trying to find words with these letters in them. This wordgenerator shows you the word jumble solution, where you unscramble letters to make words. If you are trying to pattern match, we have other tools. If you are trying to guess a missing letter, check out our hangman solver. The hangman solver also works fairly well as a cross wordgenerator if you know some of the letters (pattern matching). We also have another word generator for wheel of fortune that can handle multiple words. If you are trying to match a pattern of unknown letters (eg. an 5 letter word, first and last letter the same), check out our cryptogram helper.
If you like solving word scramble puzzles, check out our new word scramble game. We did give a little additional help by color-coding the correct letters (green means you got it, red means keep trying).
We've also a cryptogram solving game. These puzzles are based on substitution cipher codes, where each letter has been swapped with another letter. Your job is to figure out which letter is which and decode the message. The game keeps track of how long it takes to solve each puzzle and lets you know how your score compares with others. This article about how to solve a cryptogram may also be helpful.
The next step up from using our word puzzle solver is outright code cracking. If you like cracking codes, you may also find our article about pen and paper cryptograph interesting. We walk through some of the building blocks of manual cryptography (pre-World War I) and how these codes were broken. Those with a technical bent may find our presentation on breaking substitution ciphers via computer to be interesting as well.
Looking for new puzzles and word games? We're regularly expanding our collection of puzzles and word games. Check out our Free Cryptogram puzzles if you are good at recognizing patterns. These are famous (or funny) quotes encryped with a scrambled alphabet code - if you can guess the code, you can decipher the message. Or check out our new word swapz game if you like unscrambling words. Flip letters back and forth until you manage to figure out all the words in the puzzle.
Stuck solving a puzzle? No worries, we can help with that too! In addition to our jumble helper, we have a wide variety of wordgenerator tools to help crack pen and paper ciphers! We have solvers for boggle, scrabble, and tools to help unscramble words. Stuck trying to guess a multi-word puzzle (jumble solver multiple words)? Check out our Wheel of Fortune solver. You can even use them to solve words with friends and the specialized versions of boggle (Scramble with Friends and large matrixes - 5 x 5 boggle and 6 x 6 boggle). If you need to make words with these letters, we can help you.
Finally, if you need to make a word scramble or crossword puzzle - for a class exercise, business icebreaker, party favor, or other special occaision - we've got tools for that too. You can even save you work for future events and classes. These are perfect for teachers, students, homeschoolers, coaches, sunday school teachers, and team mom / dads.