Unscramble the words and see the full answer to the question. You can drag and drop the letters into the correct order using your mouse or touchscreen device. If you get a letter in the correct position, it will show green - letters in the wrong position will display as red. We provide additional hints below as we discuss the circumstances and historical evidence about that particular participant or situation. If you get stuck, just try dragging a few letters around until you see a green letter - that will help you get started unscrambling the word.
While a swift response in support of their allies earned Mile Standish and the Pilgrims respect from the local Native Americans, this vanished after Standish lead an attack to kill the leaders of the alleged plot to wipe out the English settlements two years later.
A second, poorly managed, colony had been set up to the North. This group had infuriated their Native American neighbors through theft and general recklessness, prompting a plot to eliminate them and subsequently attack Plymouth. The Pilgrims, acting on the advice of their allies, elected to strike first. Standish led a small group of militia to the colony and called a meeting with the leaders of the plot.
The outcome was a cold blooded massacre. Standish killed their leader with his own knife and his men brutally executed other members of the party. The remainder fled, after a brief skirmish.
This raid had the effect of breaking the back of the plotters and likely saved Plymouth. It also terrified most of the local Native Americans, prompting them to leave the area. This hurt the colony's economy, since they could no longer trade for furs - a key source of revenue to return to England to pay off their debts.
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