Unscramble the words and see the full answer to the question. You can drag and drop the letters into the correct order using your mouse or touchscreen device. If you get a letter in the correct position, it will show green - letters in the wrong position will display as red. We provide additional hints below as we discuss the circumstances and historical evidence about that particular participant or situation. If you get stuck, just try dragging a few letters around until you see a green letter - that will help you get started unscrambling the word.
The Mayflower arrived at Provincetown Harbor on November 11, 1620, ending a rough 68 days at sea. At that point in the trip, they desperately needed to make landfall. They were low on food and supplies; worse, many of the passengers were sick after several weeks of stormy weather and damp conditions. Their original destination was no longer a viable option.
This presented a political problem as well.The Pilgrims did not have a royal patent giving them permission to settle this area; thus, they were concerned about their right to land, as they did not have legal authority to establish a colony in this location. This could have dire consequences if they displeased the King of England at a later date.
In response to this, a group of colonists drafted an agreement, known as the Mayflower Compact, laying out how the colony would be governed. The document was modeled on the church covenants that Congregationalists used to form new congregations. It made clear that the colony should be governed by "just and equal laws," and those who signed it promised to keep these laws.
The colonists were also careful to protect themselves from Royal wrath over their decisions. They were about to land and settle an area at least 200 miles outside their agreed upon site. This could easily be interpreted as a disloyal or illegal act by the English crown. So they made a point of referring themselves as "loyal subjects" of the crown and reaffirming King James as their sovereign.
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