Unscramble the words and see the full answer to the question. You can drag and drop the letters into the correct order using your mouse or touchscreen device. If you get a letter in the correct position, it will show green - letters in the wrong position will display as red. We provide additional hints below as we discuss the circumstances and historical evidence about that particular participant or situation. If you get stuck, just try dragging a few letters around until you see a green letter - that will help you get started unscrambling the word.
On December 21, 1620, the first landing party arrived at the site of what later became the settlement of Plymouth. This was a recently abandoned coastal villiage in an easily defended position. With the New England winter in full effect, they started building on a common house and living structures, keeping the bulk of their colonists on the ship. Almost half of the colonists died over the course of the winter, due to limited shelter and conditions aboard the ship.
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