Unscramble the words and see the full answer to the question. You can drag and drop the letters into the correct order using your mouse or touchscreen device. If you get a letter in the correct position, it will show green - letters in the wrong position will display as red. We provide additional hints below as we discuss the circumstances and historical evidence about that particular participant or situation. If you get stuck, just try dragging a few letters around until you see a green letter - that will help you get started unscrambling the word.
Massasoit Ousamequin was a man with a problem. As the leader, or sachem of the Wampanoag Confederacy, the Native American group around Plymouth, he had lost almost 75% of his population (and military strength) to the plague. Worse, his rivals - the the Narragansett - were nearly unaffected, placing him in very real danger of being taken over.
So accompanied by Tisquantum, better known as Squanto, he visited the Pilgrims to make a deal. The resulting relationship had many benefits for the Pilgrims. According to English sources, Massasoit prevented the failure of Plymouth Colony and the almost certain starvation that the Pilgrims faced during the earliest years of the colony's establishment.
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